Electronic Engineer
I’m currently an Electronic Engineering student of ECS at the University of Southampton. I am pursuing a MEng degree, and I’m in my fourth year.
I have also had he opportunity to gain industrial experience thanks to a Year in Industry at EA Technology. During this time I was able to hone the skills I’d developed as a hobbyist, and learn a great deal more about my industry.

The IET has acknowledged my progress so far by awarding me with a Diamond Jubilee Scholarship. This award has already proved it’s value to me by enabling me to acquire both a new laptop, and test equipment. I can use these to further my hobby and university work. I am incredibly grateful for the support from the IET. My local newspaper covered the story, which can be found here.

Electronics Hobbyist
Since I was young I’ve been fascinated by electronics. As a teen I steadily got more and more involved in electronics, working on an array of projects. The hobby electronics community was pivotal in this progression. I owe a lot to Dave Jones’ EEVBlog which kept me captivated and provided a great deal of insight into the real engineering process.
Radio Amateur
During my Year in Industry, I caught the amateur radio bug. Within 9 months I had my full UK radio licence. I’m rarely on the air myself, but I try and get involved when time allows. Recently I’ve been doing a lot of reception work, specifically with weather satellites. I hope to document this soon!
You’ll find me on the air as M6WTB, 2E0WTB, and M0APT.